Yoga as scientific discipline for eradicating stress and tension at their source:

All tension, both physical and mental, is stored somewhere in the body and true stress reduction is a matter of discovering how to release that tension on both levels.
Yoga programs directly addresses tension in both the body and the mind. Our corporate yoga classes remove stress from both sources since tension in one area has a direct effect on the other. The classes offer simple, safe, and practical techniques that quickly reduce tension and stress at any time and place, especially in the office.
Our corporate yoga classes provide you with the following:
- Ways to identify stress signals and indicators
- Posture improvement for tension management
- Strength building for greater resistance to stress
- Techniques for the workplace designed to alleviate tension before it builds into stress
- Safe exercises (designed over 2,500 years ago) that bring more energy to the body
- Breathing techniques that support healthy “Mood Management” The average work week is increasing from 40 to 50 hours, or more, per week. This means that the average employee is assuming more and more responsibilities and dealing with unprecedented challenges. All of this leads to an alarming amount of stress in our lives.
Corporate Yoga Inquiry Form
Stress impacts our work environment by reducing productivity and morale, increasing injury and turnover, raising benefits expenses.
But Corporate Yoga can help!
Yoga is a scientific discipline that offers practical and definitive results while addressing tension in both the body and the mind. Corporate Yoga at the workplace has become popular in many companies nationwide because of the stress reduction benefits and the low cost of implementation.
Unlike other exercise routines yoga is low impact, improves strength and flexibility, builds concentration, and reduces mental and physical stress and tension. In addition, yoga is known to eradicate fatigue and generate energy, all of which lead to increased productivity and morale. Yoga exercises are simple and can be modified for different skill levels and abilities – perfect for the office environment!
While most stress management workshops just talk about how to deal with stress, our corporate yoga programs get results. Your employees will learn and experience proven techniques that have immediate and lasting effects.
Who uses or has used Corporate Yoga at work?
You may be surprised at how many large corporations use corporate yoga at work. Here is a list of just a few. See how many names you recognize:
New York Police Dept., IBM, Microsoft, HBO, Nike, Nexcomm, Intel, AT&T, NYNEX, Forbes, Apple, Pepsico, GE, Chase Manhattan, Qualcomm, Bristol-Myers, The White House, US Marines.
Stress Statistics
” The Effects of workplace related stress are no surprise to today’s employers. A 1992 UN report called job stress – The 20th. Century Epidemic.”
“The World Health Organization called job stress a “World Wide Epidemic.”
“The National Science Foundation reports that over 30% of American adults experience enough daily stress to impact their performance at home or at work.”
“The American Institute for stress has implicated stress as the cause of nearly 90% of doctor visits in the U.S. The total annual costs of stress to the average employer are staggering.”
“According to the US Department of labor, two thirds of reported cases of occupational stress are experienced by white collar workers, and repetitive stress injuries have risen 1000% in the past 14 years. These claims carry with them an estimated average expense exceeding $14,000 per company.”
Yoga Statistics
“Yoga in conjunction with meditation can indeed lower stress and improve work performance.”Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Mass. Medical center. “A yoga-based regimen is more effective than wrist splinting in relieving some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.”
Journal of American Medical Association, 1999
“Many doctors now prescribe yoga for patients suffering from heart disease, arthritis, or diabetes. Imagine what it can do for people whose biggest complaint is stress headaches.”
US News and World Reports, 1997
“Yoga is a very powerful tool of stress management.”
Dr. Dean Ornish
“The bottom line is that yoga is an exercise that is food for the heart.” Dr. Noel Bairey Merz; Medical Director Cardiac Center at Cedars Sanai Medical Center, Los Angeles “Fifteen million Americans include some form of yoga in their fitness regimen-twice as many as did five years ago.”
-Time Magazine