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Times of Transition

Ancient energy centers of the Earth, responsible for the evolution of certain teachings, are being deactivated and their energies transferred to other regions of the planet. This and other changes in the planetary body, are attempting to bring about the…

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Being in the here & now is a concept easily understood by the mind, however the experience of it is quite never grasped, because it is not a moment or a place, but rather a gateway into our Self. Since the essence of our Self is limitless and the perception of it varies according to the evolution of one’s consciousness, then there is really no end to such experience of being. When we accept this, there is Peace, when we understand this, there is Light, and when we feel this, there is Love.

When the here & now is uncomfortable, it is called “practice,” when the here and now is comfortable, it is called “home.”

Out of infinite possibilities, out of limitless choices for different realities, people, places and things that we could connect with on any given moment in time and space as explained by quantum realities, I choose you as well, as you read this. We may or may not be aware of it, but chance is only in the eyes of the short sighted, and in the end, free will is only a concept. The big picture has an order, an intelligent and far reaching perspective where possible, plausible and probable converge as guided by Love.

Not sure what could be more powerful than the ability to be in absolute stillness, doing nothing, not reacting to anything, while being absolutly present, clear, conscious and aware of what is, here and now. This allows to be the cause rather than the consequence of your life. It allows to intercept karma and participate with God, as God, of all that could follow.

Can’t access the here and now without accepting what is, whether you like it or not. Accepting doesn’t mean liking what you don’t, it just means surrender to the state of things as they are on any given here and now. The level of acceptance of what is and the level of openness to all possibilities directly relate to the viability of a new pattern coming forth. Non acceptance is like stepping with one foot on the other while trying to walk.

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